

Teesside High School is a small school that focuses on the needs of the individual child, through a warm and nurturing ethos. We set our sights high in our academic aspirations, but equally, we believe that the education of a child outside of the classroom is just as important as it seeks to build character and life-long skills. We do this through sport, music, drama, the Duke of Edinburgh Award, competitions and visiting speakers, to name but a few strands of what we believe education is about.

As a school, we do not select by academic ability alone, focussing more on what your child can do, and I passionately believe that this leads to a much more diverse and inclusive school community where each child can experience a real sense of belonging. Combined with our small class sizes, this is borne out by our exam results in which our ‘value-added’ is excellent.

I also firmly believe that a happy child is a productive child and that our excellent pastoral care keeps this principle firmly at the root of our dealings with pupils and parents.

Our Prep School children enjoy the benefits of extensive input from the Senior School in terms of facilities and teachers and this makes for a much smoother transition to their time in the Senior School. We are set in extensive grounds on the banks of the River Tees with all our sports facilities all on-site, including a sports hall and fitness suite.

It is very hard to do our campus, our teachers and our ethos justice from these webpages alone. I would warmly invite you to come and visit us, to experience what one parent succinctly phrased as ‘education as it should be’